Coalition for Equality Responds to the Amendments of Anti-Discrimination Law

2 Dec, 2015

On December 5, the Coalition for Equality released a statement. According to the statement, the Coalition supports the amendments to the Law on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, initiated by the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. Amendments are based on legislative proposals worked out by the Ombudsman. The coalition estimates that the legislative amendments will strengthen anti-discrimination mechanisms. The coalition also states that they were actively involved in the preparation of legislative proposals developed by the Public Defender and part of their considerations is reflected in the amendment package.


The legislative proposal submitted to the Parliament of Georgia enhance the legal mechanisms for discrimination cases through increasing the Ombudsman’s mandate and competence in the process of reviewing the cases on discrimination against organizations and individuals. On the other hand, the limitation period for applying to the court for discrimination cases is also increased.

For more information, see the full text of the statement.