
The Civil Society Foundation no longer accepts project proposals on an open-door principle under the Media Support, EU Integration, Human Rights, National Integration, and Social Justice programs. The budget provided for by the 2023 strategy in all the mentioned programs is over.

However, periodically, The Civil Society Foundation announces competitions in various directions.

The Civil Society Foundation will accept new project proposals on an open-door principle from January 2024. Consultations on the programs’ priorities and funding of grant projects will be considered next year.

For more information, please contact us: ; +995 32 2 25 04 63.

For further queries

We are glad to respond to your queries and answer all questions you may have concerning the operations of the Civil Society Foundation.

For information about the Foundation’s strategic priorities for the upcoming years visit the Programs page.

For information about grantees and project funding opportunities visit the Grants page.

The most common questions asked about our work can be viewed in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

For further queries Contact us.

Check our Programs

Non-profitable, non-commercial non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply for OSGF funding.

The Foundation carries out its activities in full compliance with the Law of Georgia on Grants. A Georgian citizen having a neutral identification card or a neutral travel document, resident or non-resident non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity of Georgia, its representation, branch or department may be a grant recipient.

According to the Law of Georgia on Grants, a foreign national cannot be a grant recipient. Only a Georgian citizen having a neutral identification card or a neutral travel document, resident or non-resident non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity of Georgia, its representation, branch or department may be a grant recipient.

Starting from January 15, 2019, project proposals can be submitted online, through the Foundation’s website. See the detailed information on our website.

An online project proposal shall be evaluated and a decision shall be made within 8-10 weeks after registration. If the budget of the indicated program has been expended and the project proposal is not evaluated at a current stage, an applicant will be notified on postponing the evaluation for the next year.

It is possible to submit a project if the organization is already implementing the project funded by OSGF. The number of concurrent projects should not exceed three.

Project duration is not determined. The term of its implementation should comply with the planned activities.

An upper limit of the project budget is not determined. The budget should be cost-effective, substantiated and comply with the activities envisaged by the action plan.

The limits of salary budget are not determined and it depends on the activities planned under the project.

The reference should be about both a project and an applicant. It is desirable that referees are appropriate experts from relevant fields. Moreover, they should be familiar with an applicant’s experience and activities.

A member of the Foundation’s Executive Board and Expert Commission, its staff member or a person with any form of conflict of interests cannot be a referee.

Submitted project proposals are first evaluated by the Expert Commission of a relevant program. Decisions on project financing are made by the Executive Board upon the recommendations of the Expert Commission.

Information about the Board members is available on the Foundation’s website. The composition of the Expert Commission is changeable. You can address a relevant program to receive information about the current members of the commission.

In case of project approval, its implementation shall be launched upon the day of its formalization. Thus, an 8-10 weeks period needed for project evaluation and approval should be taken into consideration when defining the date of project launch.

The Foundation does not finance studies abroad. To search for the information about the opportunities and financing the studies abroad, please, visit the website of our partner organization, Center for International Education –

The Foundation does not issue travel grants. It pays travel expenses only if the project financed by the Foundation envisages a participant’s international visit.

The publications released with the support of the Foundation are mainly free. The electronic versions of the majority of these publications are available on the Foundation’s website, in the section “Library.” Those publications, which have no online versions, can be found in the Library located at the Foundation’s office. The Library offers over 1000 books on various topics. The availability of literature in the library can be checked through an online catalog.

Consultations can be received after undergoing registration, each Thursday, both remotely and by visiting the office. To undergo registration for consultation, please, visit the Foundation’s website.

Presently, the Foundation does not finance the projects aimed at business development. The economic development program no longer operates at the Foundation since 2008.

The project once declined by the Foundation’s Expert’s Commission and the Executive Board will not be considered for funding throughout the upcoming year and/or in the framework of the program strategy active in the given period of time. Opportunities for funding can be further discussed with the Foundation’s respective program at the consultation meeting.