Dimitri Eristavi's, Lado Shonia's and Levan Abramishvili's Exhibition at Open Gallery

13 Feb, 2012

The exhibition called fragments.methodologies.absurds in the architecture represents dystopian ideas illustrated by the means of an architectural language. This exhibition reveals 5 projects (1. Systems, 2. Non-stop House, 3. Hologram City, 4. Planner Deformation, 5. Longing Towards a Horizont) which exemplify three notions mentioned above.

The first notion of a fragment which appears in the exhibition as “Hologram City” suggests the non-exhisting spaces deprived from any possible context.                                                     Methodologies, as the second notion include projects “Systems” and “Planer Deformation” wherein are presented two different approaches towards the the architectural design.      The third notion contatins  projects “Non-stop House” and “Longing Towards a Horizon” and illusteates two mutually exclusive opposities of dwelling spaces within the absurd conditions.

Exhibition in itself is a reaction to problematics and situations  existing in the worldwide and specifacly georgian architectural realm. 


Authors of exhibition are : Dimitri Eristavi

                                      Lado Shonia

                                      Levan Abramishvili


Special Thanks to : Tornike Abuladze

                                   Likuna Keidia

                                   Tato Oikashvili