Ex-military servants to attend training course in business administration

28 Jan, 2010


Economic Development Program of Open Society Georgia Foundation is implementing the project “Re-training and promotion of self-employment of ex-military servants” which basically aims at supporting the victims of economic-social processes, namely, the disemployed military servants due to structural displacement since 2003, by better familiarizing them with the current processes in the country and setting new prospects for social rehabilitation.

Ex-military servants will be re-trained within the framework of the Project “Re-training and promotion of self-employment of ex-military servants”; they will develop skills for business administration.
Project participants will be provided with the consultations for reconciliation of their plans with the bank’s requirements. During training and consultations they will master presentation skills and techniques. They will also design their own business plan presentations.

At the initial stage of the project on July 21-22, the participants underwent a two-day introductory course to get familiar with the business fundamentals. The objective of introductory course was to introduce the project participants with the fundamentals of business management.
The lectures covered following topics: entrepreneurship and its types; fundamentals of marketing: description of market, product, pricing, communication; fundamentals of organizing enterprise; financial management. The participants were given the presentation materials.
The course was composed of review lectures followed by discussions, during which the participants expressed their interest in topics which they could discussion more in details.
The next stage of the project started on September 15. The participants are supposed to attend a 10-day intensive course in business administration. They will be given the special manual, presentation material and exercise book.

Throughout the course the entrepreneurs shall learn critical planning of own business. The participants will discuss a special case and draw business plan. Correspondingly, during 10 days they will learn about the practical issues of the theory of business management and enjoy the experience in business planning.
By applying the knowledge gained from the course, the participants will be offered an opportunity to design business plans based on their own business ideas and with the assistance of qualified consultants.



Tamar pirveli
Economic Development Program