Forum on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities - State, Community, Civil Society

20 Jun, 2015

Although lately the Government has intensified its work on issues related to persons with disabilities, the problems still remain unaddressed. For this purpose, non-governmental organization “Accessible Environment for Everyone” with the support of Open Society Georgia Foundation held forum on “Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities – State, Community, Civil Society”. The forum was held in Radisson Blu Hotel Batumi on June 27.

The forum aimed to mobilize and inform the community of persons with disabilities in Guria and Adjara regions on the current legislative changes in order to involve each member of the community in local government activities.

The forum was attended by activists with disabilities from Tbilisi and Adjara and Guria regions, as well as by organizations and experts working on this issue.

“It is the achievement of each of you that our country has ratified the UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities. Now it is important to actively work on the development and establishment of proper implementation mechanisms. Otherwise, the Convention could not be implemented” – said Tornike Dvali, representative of the Human Rights Secretariat of the Government of Georgia.

Movement Accessible Environment for Everyone is a non-governmental organization of persons with disabilities, which provides advocacy services for persons with disabilities in order to ensure their equal access to public benefits. The forum was attended by activists with disabilities from Tbilisi and Adjara and Guria regions, as well as by organizations and experts working on this issue and representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.