Healthcare Law in Georgia as a separate discipline is developing

27 Jan, 2010

In terms of the program “Law, Media and Healthcare” of Open Society Georgia Foundation activities were launched for development of a manual “Health Law”.

Healthcare law is universally recognized discipline throughout the world which unifies rights and responsibilities of patients and medical professionals, rights and freedoms of marginalized groups, healthcare active legislation, court cases, principles of harm compensation, etc.

In terms of Open Society Georgia Foundation program “Law, Media and Healthcare” have been launched activities for creation of a manual “Health law”. At the workshop held in Daba Gudauri on November 17-18, this fall was elaborated the structure and content of this manual. The mentioned manual will give an opportunity to lawyers to obtain existing legal acts in the field of healthcare in full with definitions and comments on separate articles.



Authors of the manual:

Nino Kiknadze  

-project coordinator, OSGF project “Law, Media and Healthcare”;

Zaza Meishvili

– Deputy Chair of Supreme Court of Georgia;

Alexandre Imedashvili

-Prosecutor, Didube-Chugureti district;

Kakha Aslanishvili

– President of lawyers association of Georgia

Mamuka Jibuti  

– Dean of the faculty of Public health at the State Medical University;

Nino Mirzikashvili

– Head of regulations department at MoLHSA

Maka Kvachadze  

– Chief Expert, Project “Support to Public Defender’s office of Georgia”