Let’s Save Dighomi Forest Park

20 Oct, 2010


Radio “Mtsvane Talgha” (Green Wave) – listening to radio broadcast

Imedi – watching the TV broadcast Maestro – watching the TV broadcast


The environmental campaign will take place in Dighomi Forest Park the newspaper “Akhali Taoba” (“New Generation”)

Internet Media

The environmental campaign will take place in Dighomi Forest Park the News Agency “GNH”, September 29, 2010

The environmental campaign will take place in Dighomi Forest Park – the Information Agency “MediaNews”, September 23, 2010

The Non-Governmental organizations will  hold the environmental campaign in Dighomi Forest Park – the News Agency “EPN.ge”, September 29, 2010

Nana Biganishvili and Ana Gabriadze are the guests of our program – “Radio Tavisufleba (Freedom)”, September 24, 2010