Living in Healthy Environment as a Constitutional Right

7 Feb, 2014

For the past decade, the green space has shrunk both in Tbilisi and regions.  Trees have been cut and planted without any system being in place.

The passive attitude of the population, citizens’ unawareness about environmental issues as well as their rights and responsibilities aggravates the problem.  People do not know how to protect their right to a healthy environment.

Since October 2013, citizens’ action group Guerilla Gardening with the support from the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) has made efforts to restore the green space in Tbilisi and in its outskirts, raise people’s awareness and involve citizens in the protection of urban environment.

As part of the project informative video clips were made and the following issues were covered:

1.     The Role of a Tree in Polluted Environment;

2.     Call for Population Involvement in Tree Growing and Planting;

3.      More Information about Priority Trees for Cleaning the Air

As part of the project the wide public has been informed and mobilized to support Guerilla Gardening activities.

In the spring a tree planting campaign will start in Didi Digomi.  Everyone is welcome to take part in the campaign.