Media Environment Improvement Bill has been Submitted to Parliament and Diplomatic Corps

18 Nov, 2010


Radio Imedi – Listening to a report

Radio Utsnobi – Listening to a report

Radio Utsnobi “Dialogue” program the author: Nino Zhizhilashvili – Listening to a report 1

Rado Utsnobi “Dialogue” program the autor: Nino Zhizhilashvili – Listening to a report_2

Radio Kalaki – Listening to a report

Radio Green Wave – Listening to a report

Rustavi 2, “Courier”, 6 p.m. Rustavi 2, “Courier”, 21:00 p.m.
 Rustavi 2,”Courier” – 3:00 p.m.  Imedi, “Qronika”, 17:00 p.m.
 Maestro, News -12:00 p.m.  Maestro, News – 21:00 p.m.
 Maestro, “Face-to-Face Conversation” with Eka Beridze
 Maestro, News -18:00 p.m.
 Maestro, News – 21:00 p.m   Region TV, “Novosti”-14:30 p.m.
 Kavkasia, “Today”-17:00 p.m.  Kavkasia, “Today”-21:30 p.m.


”Who is the Owner of News Media?” – Liberali Magazine, the authors: Tamar Babuadze, Nino Robakidze, 15 November, 2010;

“Many hands work on Media Transparency” page 1- “The Messenger”, 15 November, 2010,the autor: Salome Modebadze;

“Many hands work on Media Transparency” page 2- “The Messenger”, 15 November, 2010, the autor: Salome Modebadze;

”Parliament Majority to Come up with Freedom of Media Bill Today” page 1 – Tge Rezonansi,14 November, 2010, the autor: Rusiko Machaidze;

”Parliament Majority Come up with own Freedom of Media Bill Today” page 2 – The Rezonansi, 14 November, 2010, the autor: Rusiko Machaidze;

”Despite Promises, Offshore Companies willl have Right to own a Broadcasting License – 10% Lie” page 1 – The Rezonansi, 15 November, 2010, the autor: Rusiko Machaidze;

”Despite Promises, Offishore Companies will have Right to Own a Broadcasting Licence – 10% Lie” page 2 – The Rezonansi, 15 Noemberi, 2010, აthe autor: Rusiko Machaidze;

“10% Lie – Despite Promises, Offshore Companies will have Right to Own a Broadcasting License” page 3 – The Rezonansi, 15 November, 2010, the author: Rusiko Machaidze;

“10% Lie – Despite Promises, Offshore Companies will have Right to Own a Broadcasting License” page 4 – The Rezonansi, 15 November, 2010, the author: Rusiko Machaidze;

“The Government Comes to Terms with Transparency of Media Owners Alone”, The Rezonansi, 9 November, 2010, the author: Rusiko Machaidze;

“VIP Expectations of Diplomatic Corps” page 1- The Rezonansi, 10 November, 2010, the author: Lana Beridze;

“VIP Expectations of Diplomatic Corps” page 2- The Rezonansi, 10 November, 2010, the author: Lana Beridze;

“Media Freedom through the Government Eyes” page 1- The Rezonansi, 10 November, 2010, the author: Rusiko Machaidze;

“Media Freedom through the Government Eyes” page 2 – The Rezonansi, 10 November, 2010, the author: Rusiko Machaidze;

“The Government Ignores the Bill Proposed by Journalists ” The Sakartvelos Respublika, 15 November, 2010, the author: Tea Mosidze.

Internet Media

Lasha Tugushi – We will Try to Prove our Case – “InterpressNews”, 8 November, 2010

Lasha Tugushi Evaluates Meeting with the Diplomatic Corps Positively  – “InterpressNews”, 12 November, 2010

Launching Work for Improvement of Media Environment is an Important Move, Say Diplomats  – “InterpressNews”, 12 November, 2010

Bill on Improving Media Environment Submitted to Parliament – “InterpressNews”, 12 November, 201

Government Proposed Bill on Media Transparency Calls for Amendments to Law on Broadcasters Alone – InterpressNews, 12 November, 2010

Group of Lawyers and Journalists Meet with International Organizations and Diplomatic Corps – Expressnews, 2010

Media Transparency without Access to Information – It’s up to Parliament to Make a Choice – “”, 12 November, 2010

Caucasus Media Group, Internet Television –