Presentation of the analytical report on: Georgia and the European Neighbourhood Policy - Perspectives and Challenges

27 Jan, 2010

On June 28th, Open Society Georgia Foundation introduced a new analytical report which was prepared within the scopes of the joint project with the Coalition “for Transparency of Public Finances”  on the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in Georgia.

Main goal of the project was to provide a general review of the situation within the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, provoking public interest in the issue and ensuring its participation. To reach this general goal, there was a brief analytical report prepared within the framework of the project that presents the views of relevant government agencies towards ENP, identifies specific problems with its implementation and suggests specific ways for solving it.

Members of the NGO Coalition “for Transparency of Public Finances” are: Open Society Georgia Foundation, Economic Policy Research Center, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association, Young Economists Association of Georgia and Transparency International Georgia

To download the document  click here