Implementation of EU Georgia association agenda 2014-2016 assessment by civil society

5 Apr, 2017
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Published with the support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation

Proofreading: Camrin Christensen
Design: Tornike Lortkipanidze

Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) actively joined the implementation
monitoring process upon the conditional enforcement of EU Association Agreement
of Georgia in 2014 to facilitate the engagement of civil society representatives
in the initiative.

27 Policy Documents have been drafted on the grounds of the monitoring process
in 2016 and present report elaborates on the issues envisaged in the EU-Georgia
Association Agenda for 2014-2016. Non-Government Organizations (NGO) were
engaged in the drafting of the Action Plan for the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
for 2016 and 2017, along with the Association Agenda for 2017-2020. It is
worth noting that considerable part of the presented recommendations have been
incorporated in the official documents of the legislative and executive authorities
of Georgia, as well as by the European Parliament.

Present report reflects a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of
EU-Georgia Association Agenda for 2014-2016 by the country. Georgia has carried
out significant reforms envisaged in the document, though more progress should
be demonstrated by the country in justice, media, education, labor rights, environment
and other areas.

Present report has been developed by the Open Society Georgia Foundation
(OSGF) within its project titled as “Increased Accountability of Georgia through
Monitoring of Implementation of the EU Association Agreement” under the co-financing
of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Georgia.
OSGF expresses hopes that the present document will serve beneficial to the executive
and legislative authorities of Georgia, EU institutions, media outlets and other
stakeholders. It is believed to facilitate the further integration of Georgia in EU and
ultimate accession process.

Implementation of EU Georgi… by on Scribd

Vano Chkhikvadze
EU Integration Program Manager
Open Society Georgia Foundation