Statement of the Civil Organizations of Georgia

28 Jan, 2010


Statement of the Civil Organizations of Georgia

August 21, 2008 

The events that have been taking place in Georgia in August 2008 have been unanimously recognized by the civilized world as Russia’s open military aggression against Georgia.  Russia decided to punish the small neighboring county, which has been striving to become a modern developed state.   Despite the military aggression of an unthinkable scale Georgia refused to give up such values as freedom, statehood, rule of law, civil society and democratic governance. 

Georgia’s aspiration to be a part of Europe is not a self-fulfilling goal.  This is the only way for our country to establish real democracy, to save and develop Georgian society and statehood.  Democratic development is a precondition for achieving welfare and justice in our society.  

Today we have to remember that we have already passed the most critical period of the recent developments.  Right now a key battle is taking place in our minds.  Our resistance to the existing situation and civil solidarity are preconditions for ensuring that Russian occupational troops leave Georgia in the nearest future. 

There is no time for judgment right now. Today the entire society has to unite to achieve a single objective – to force Russian occupational forces out of Georgia.  Time will come for open discussions and analysis of the recent developments, which will lead us to the conclusions on how our country should develop in the future.  

Today we, representatives of the civil society have to 

• Get organized for assisting the people who suffered as a result of the assault.  We have to demonstrate our solidarity and sympathy with individuals who have been displaced; 

• Remain calm and confident and demonstrate civil dignity. No weapon can defeat people’s resistance and sense of dignity. Our unity and solidarity are preconditions for future success of the Georgian state. 

The statement is open for signing.


  1. Georgia Young Lawyers Association
  2. Open Society Georgia Foundation
  3. Civil Development Agency CiDA
  4. Civil Participation Centre
  5. Civil Development Institute
  6. National Network Against Violence
  7. Women Club Peoni
  8. Article 42 of the Constitution
  9. Caucasus Environment NGOs Network
  10. Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development
  11. Civil Council
  12. ICCN
  13. Union “21st Century”
  14. Multinational Georgia
  15. Regional Environmental Center of Caucasus
  16. Dusheti Women Initiative Centre
  17. Centre for Protection of Constitutional Rights
  18. Guria Youth Resource Centre
  19. Association Sachino
  20. Georgia Psycho-social aid association Ndoba
  21. Ozurgeti Young Teachers Union
  22. Human Harmonious Development Support Society
  23. Georgia Young Scientists’ Development Centre
  24. Liberty Institute
  25. Journalistic centre “Discover Georgia”
  26. Forest Researchers Union
  27. Consulting and Training Centre CTC
  28. International Association “Civitas Georgica”
  29. Curatio International Foundation
  30. Youth Association Droni
  31. National Council of Youth Organizations of Georgia
  32. International Network for Civil Development
  33. Georgian Technical University Students Union
  34. Youth Non-formal Education centre Mziani Sakhli
  35. Youth development Support Agency Compas
  36. Georgian Association of Education Initiatives
  37. Intercultural Relationships Youth  Centre
  38. Caucasus Environmental Protection  Youth Network 
  39. Georgian Association of Young Medical Workers
  40. Youth Foundation for Orphans Support
  41. National Association of Protection from Violence
  42. Youth Development Centre
  43. Peace and Development Academy
  44. Youth Alternative
  45. Georgian Falcons
  46. Association Mkurnali
  47. AISI
  48. Strategic Research and Development Centre
  49. ALPE
  50. Association “Flore and Fauna”
  51. Transparency International Georgia
  52. Economical Education Development Centre
  53. Georgia Nature Lovers Society
  54. Deloitte and Touch Georgia representation
  55. United Nations Association of Georgia
  56. Kutaisi association “Education and the World”
  57. Georgia national association of municipal service providers
  58. Center for International Education (CIE)
  59. Woman Crisis Centre, Azerbaijan
  60. Strategic Research Institute
  61. Union Step Forward
  62. Women’s Information Centre
  63. Society “Biliki”
  64. Borjomi Women Initiative Group
  65. NACRES
  66. Caucasus Lawyers Association
  67. Studiomibile – Accent on Action
  68. Caucasus Ecology Foundation
  69. Civil Education Office of Shida Kartli
  70. Gori Anti-Corruption resource Centre
  71. Children and Youth Rights Protection Association
  72. Intelligent Women Association “Kartlis Deda”
  73. Gori Handicapped Club
  74. Student-Youth Council
  75. Association Green Alternative
  76. Association Elkana
  77. International Association Women’s Movement for Equality
  78. Local Democracy Agency Georgia
  79. Helsinki citizens’ Assembly Georgian National Committee
  80. The South Caucasus Institute for Regional Security
  81. The International Campaign to ban Landmines Georgian Committee “Ottawa 98
  82. The Intellectual Club Of Peace And Friendship. LLL (land,life,love)
  83. Geogia Greens Movement
  84. Democracy Institute
  85. Non-for-profite Society Tarosi
  86. Internet group Re:action
  87. Georgian Environmental and Biological Monitoring Association (GEBMA)
  88. Economic Policy Research Center
  89. Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia 
  90. National commitee of European Youth Parliament.
  91. Foundation for International Community Assistance – FINCA Georgia.
  92. Vasil Gulashvili Forest Inistitute
  93. Adult Education Association of Georgia (AEAG)
  94. Handicapped Association Gea
  95. Academy of Ecological Sciences of Georgia 
  96.  Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre 
  97. Georgian Medical Women’s Association
  98. Center for Economic Education and Development (CEED)
  99. Association “CIMS Consulting”
  100. Center of Albanian NGO “Ecomovement”
  101. John Dos Passos Association of Georgia” 
  102. World Experience for Georgia (WEG) – foundation
  103.  Association of journalists “PostFactum”
  104. დემოკრატიისა და სამოქალაქო განვითარების ასოციაცია
  105. ძალადობისგან დაცვის ეროვნული ქსელის იმერეთის კომიტეტი
  106. ახალგაზრდული ფრონტი თავისუფლებისთვის
  107. Young Scientist union ,,intellect”