Statement of the Coalition for Media Advocacy on Rustavi 2 Case

10 Jun, 2016
The Coalition for Media Advocacy releases statement responding to the verdict upheld by Tbilisi Court of Appeal on Rustavi 2 case, on June 10, 2016. The purpose of the statement is not to assess the specific legal issues regarding the content of the decision. We have repeatedly commented about the review process and stated that there were a number of details that raised legitimate doubts regarding the politicization of the process.
We would like to re-emphasize the importance of the issue. In the wake of existing mistrust towards the judicial process, solution made on the most influential media may not only adversely affect media and pre-election environment, but may also violate the legislative process.
Supreme Court can restore confidence towards the process through reviewing the case of Rustavi 2. In case of lower courts there were a number of circumstances, which gave rise to legitimate doubts about the impartiality of the court. Therefore, the Supreme Court should make every effort to ensure the full compliance with the right to fair trial.
Members of the Coalition for Media Advocacy:
• Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA);
• Georgian charter of Journalistic Ethics; Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)
• Open Society Georgia Foundation;
• Regional Broadcasting Network;
• Regional Media Association;
• Georgian Association of Regional Broadcasters (GARB);
• Media Club;
• NGO “Civil Society”;
• Levan Mikeladze Foundation;
• Media Support Fund;
• Civic Development Institute.