The latest developments bring up many questions that need to be answered

7 Nov, 2014


We are closely following the latest political developments in our country. The investigation process initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office against the Ministry of Defense officials and the charges against them were followed by a statement of the Minister of Defense, directly accusing the Prosecutor’s Office of purposeful persecution and, most significantly, of deliberate disruption of Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic Integration policy. The Prime Minister dismissed the Minister of Defense because of this. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and her deputy, as well as the State Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, have made statements similar to those of the Minister of Defense and resigned. Statement about resignation has been also made by Georgia’s Ambassador to NATO. Accusations made by politicians about these developments often violate presumption of innocence. Besides, the former Prime Minister also seems to be actively involved in the process. Concerns about the current state of affairs have been voiced by representatives of Georgia’s partner and friend countries.

Even though the Prime Minister, Members of the Government, Chairman of Parliament and representatives of the ruling coalition have denied accusations regarding the change of Euro-Atlantic course, we believe that the public needs deeper and more substantial answers about the questions that have been brought up.

We would like to emphasize that integration with the European and Euro-Atlantic structures, as well as the development of democratic institutions, is a resolute decision of the Georgian people. It is completely unacceptable for any political force or individual to undermine democratic development and Western integration, as well as the country’s security and defense.

Representatives of civil society cannot be indifferent and passive, given the fact that former Members of the Government have spoken about deliberate attempts to undermine Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration. We call on the Prime Minister, as well as the former Members of the Government, to hold a meeting and give us their assessments on the current situation.

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)

Transparency International Georgia

Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF)

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA)

Human Rights Center


Civil Development Agency (CiDA)

Public Movement “Multinational Georgia” (PMMG)

Article 42 of the Constitution

Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)

International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED)

Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC)