This Affects you Too Appeals to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton

5 Jun, 2012

Democracy campaign in Georgia hopes for Clinton’s support,, by Rusiko Machaidze, 1 june, 2012.

TBILISI, DFWatch – Ahead of a visit to Georgia by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, democracy campaigners are appealing to her for support in providing a fair election environment.

The campaign This Affects You Too was started in February 2012, after the Saakashvili regime enforced new restrictions and prohibitions for political parties as preparation for the parliamentary elections in October. See more…

Group Urges Clinton to Raise ‘Must-Carry’ During Georgia Visit,, 1 june, 2012.

An umbrella group campaigning on election-related issues has called on U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to raise the need for further legislative amendments to improve electoral environment when she meets Georgian leadership in Batumi on June 5.

Earlier this month the group, This Affects You Too, uniting election watchdog and legal advocacy organizations, as well as several media outlets, submitted to the Parliament package of legislative amendments, which, among other issues, also offers tightening provisions regulate use of administrative resources; amending law on broadcasting to prevent arbitrary treatment of TV channels by cable networks and banning hidden political ads by media sources. See more…