Where There’s Real Political Will, There’s Real Inclusion-October 25, 2010 | by Judith Klein, OSI Blog

28 Mar, 2018

Child welfare reform is well underway in the country of Georgia. Reformists have been busy establishing programs to keep children in their communities rather than shipping them off to institutions. So it was puzzling when USAID announced it would give Georgia $8 million to renovate orphanages and other institutions for children in the country. Many children’s rights advocates were poised for the worst, fearing a regression in the country back to the days of warehousing children.

And then something amazing happened. Something so amazing that in the 15 years I have been doing this work, I have never heard of such a thing. The Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, Andrew Urushadze, approached the U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, John Bass, and said “No.” Read further